Cookies Policy

Third-party and own cookies are used on this website to ensure that you have a better browsing experience, can share content on social networks and so that we can obtain user statistics.

You can prevent the downloading of cookies through your browser settings, preventing cookies from being stored on your device.

As the owner of this website, I inform you that we do not use any personal information from cookies, we only compile general visit statistics that do not involve any personal information.

It is very important that you read this cookie policy and understand that, if you continue browsing, we will consider that you accept its use.

According to the terms included in article 22.2 of Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, if you continue browsing, you will be giving your consent to the use of the aforementioned mechanisms.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of data that websites store on a device. Cookies can improve your browsing experience by helping websites remember your preferences and understand how people use different features.

Functional and necessary cookies

On this website we use some necessary cookies to enable visitors to navigate and use key features of our site. For example, functional and mandatory cookies, which help these functions serve:

Test if cookies are compatible
Type: Cookie
Duration: Expires instantly

Track browser errors
Type: Cookie
Duration: Four hours

Test if cookies are compatible
Type: Cookie
Duration: Expires instantly

Helps reduce spam
Type: Local storage
Duration: No expiration

Prevent Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Type: Cookie
Duration: session

Prevents the password-protected screen from appearing if the person visiting the site enters the correct global password.
Type: Cookie
Duration: session

Avoid redirect loops if a site has custom URL redirects. Redirect loops are bad for SEO.
Type: Cookie
Duration: 30 minutes

Prevent the Ad Bar from appearing if you reject it when you visit the site.
Type: localstorage
Duration: Persistent

Shown when you've already "liked" a blog post.
Type: localstorage
Duration: Persistent

Prevent the Pop-up message with promotions from appearing if you reject it when you visit the site.
Type: localstorage
Duration: Persistent

Remembers your selected video player preferences (volume, playback speed and quality) for videos uploaded directly to our site.
Type: localstorage
Duration: Persistent

Remember if you agreed to allow Analytics cookies to be placed in your browser, in case the site is restricting the installation of cookies.
Type: Cookie
Duration: 30 days

Find out if the browser supports cookies and avoid errors.
Type: Cookie
Duration: Session

Analytics and performance cookies

We use Analytics and performance cookies to collect information about how visitors interact with our site. These cookies provide us with certain data such as traffic sources, unique visitors, and shopping cart abandonment.

Duration: Two years
Functionality: Identify unique visitors and track the sessions of who visits our site

Duration: two years
Functionality: Identify unique visitors and track the sessions of who visits our site

Duration: 30 minutes
Functionality: Identify unique visitors and track the sessions of who visits our site

Duration: Two years
Functionality: Identify unique visitors and track the sessions of who visits our site

Duration: 30 minutes
Functionality: Identify unique visitors and track the sessions of who visits our site

How can I disable cookies in my browser?

Different browsers can be configured to receive a notice of the reception of cookies and, if desired, prevent their installation on the computer. Likewise, the user can check in their browser what cookies they have installed and what their expiration period is, and can delete them.

For more information, consult the instructions and manuals for your browser:

More information about managing cookies in Google Chrome
More information about managing cookies in Internet Explorer
More information about managing cookies in Mozilla Firefox
Learn more about managing cookies in Safari
More information about managing cookies in Opera